In an increasingly rapid pace of technological advancement, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various industries is becoming increasingly prominent. The Cleaning Industry and the HoReCa sector are no exception, with the introduction of Autonomous Machines and Robotic Solutions designed to transform the way spaces are cleaned and services are provided to customers.
Robotic Solutions employ AI to perform tasks that traditionally required human intervention, such as vacuuming, wiping, and even interacting with customers. These machines work in collaboration with employees, freeing them up to focus on more specialized and attention-demanding activities. With such automation, the Cleaning Industry and HoReCa are poised for significant changes, with the potential to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize services. These innovations redefine facility maintenance and management practices.
In this article, we will explore how AI and robots are transforming the Cleaning Industry and services in the HoReCa sector, presenting examples of such machines and the benefits they bring to managers and business owners.
How Do These Machines Work? AI-powered machines use sensors to navigate through spaces and avoid obstacles; these sensors act as safety mechanisms, signaling the machine when to stop. Machine learning algorithms, complex codes, and other AI technologies enable machines to navigate complex environments, detect and avoid obstacles, and perform cleaning tasks with precision. As technology advances, even more sophisticated machines are anticipated, capable of delivering superior performance and higher levels of autonomy.
Benefits of Implementing Autonomous Machines in the Cleaning Industry and HoReCa:
Increased Efficiency: Autonomous machines allow the completion of daily cleaning tasks without human intervention, speeding up the process and reducing potential human-based risks. A 30% increase in productivity over the next ten years is estimated due to the implementation of robots in this field.
High Cleaning Standards: AI machines are programmed to maintain a constant and high level of cleanliness, eliminating the risk of neglecting certain areas.
Financial Savings: Investment in autonomous machines can bring significant savings, both by reducing maintenance costs and eliminating the need for additional workforce. Additionally, autonomous machines contribute to retaining customers by avoiding their loss due to poor services.
Enhanced Health and Safety: By avoiding dangerous tasks, cleaning staff can reduce the risk of workplace accidents.
Performance and Innovation: AI machines, such as Whiz, operate with BrainOS technology for autonomous navigation, providing superior efficiency and consistency in cleaning. These innovations can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting a more sustainable future.
Examples of Autonomous Machines:
Whiz - Professional Vacuum Robot: Whiz handles vacuuming, allowing the cleaning team more time for essential maintenance activities. Memorized vacuuming routes – 600, Operating hours/Charge – 3, Sq. meters vacuumed/Charge – 1500. Suitable for: Offices, Shopping malls and hypermarkets, Hotels and event spaces, Hospitals, clinics, care areas, Institutions, Airports, etc.

Cobi 18 - Commercial Floor Scrubber: Scruber de podea pentru uz comercial. Curățarea comercială a pardoselilor nu a fost niciodată mai ușoară, mai accesibilă sau mai fiabilă decât cu Cobi 18. Ore de funcționare/ Încărcare – 90 min, Productivitate – 5000 – 7000 m2, Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award 2023. Echipamentul vine cu I-SYNERGY fleet management, astfel încât să puteți confirma că curățarea se face în toate facilitățile dvs. comerciale. Cu I-SYNERGY, obțineți acces la date și rapoarte care vă ajută să creșteți eficiența și productivitatea, astfel încât spațiul dvs. să fie curat și sănătos pentru toți ocupanții clădirii. Unde este potrivit Cobi 18: Mall-uri, hypermarket-uri, Hoteluri și spații pentru evenimente, Spitale, Instituții, Aeroporturi, etc

Keenbot T5 - Delivery Robot: An innovative solution for delivery and distribution, Keenbot T5, your reliable 24/7 delivery assistant. Keenbot's potential allows you to:
Highly adaptable - Developed indoor navigation technology allows precise location and easy delivery in various challenging settings.
Reduce delivery time - Keenbot can deliver to four meals simultaneously due to its multi-point delivery function.
Schedule multiple robots simultaneously - Increase workplace productivity by using an intelligent scheduling system to deploy multiple robots.
Avoid and detect obstacles - In unexpected situations, robots can detect obstacles and devise the best route to avoid collisions.
Have a higher serving capacity - Keenbot's multi-tray architecture gives you the freedom to adapt to diverse settings.
Manage Keenbots' speed control - The ultra-flexible regional speed limitation feature can adjust its speed based on the slope gradient.

Conclusion: The integration of AI technology into the Cleaning Industry and HoReCa brings numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency, higher standards of cleaning and service, cost savings, reduced risk of danger for cleaners and waitstaff, creating a sustainable future, and more.
It is important to recognize that these machines are becoming increasingly common in our daily cleaning and service tasks in the HoReCa sector, and they are likely to grow further with increasing benefits and innovations.
If you are interested in how AI machines can bring advantages to your business, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.