Canale de marketing - BTL, ATL si TTL cu roboți inteligenți - Toreco

Marketing Channels - BTL, ATL, and TTL with Intelligent Robots

roboti inteligenta artificala, pudu robotics, marketing, ATl, BTL, TTL, moldova, toreco
În lumea marketingului modern, termenii ATL, BTL și TTL au devenit esențiali pentru a descrie diferitele strategii utilizate pentru promovarea produselor și serviciilor. În contextul actual, în care eficiența și rapiditatea sunt cruciale, roboții inteligenți Pudu de la, oferă soluții inovatoare pentru a atinge obiectivele de marketing și a optimiza procese interne în toate aceste categorii.

Did you have any questions?


All the information published on the website, including the prices of the products, is informational and in no case is it a public offer, defined by the provisions of articles 681 and 805 of the Civil Code of the R.M. Nr. 1107 din 06.06.2002. For more information on stocks and the cost of products, please contact us at: +373 22 829629. Product parameters and composition are subject to change without notice.

Free Testing

We guarantee that you can rely on the experience of TORECO to alleviate all the difficulties related to: increased expenses, inefficient cleaning products, etc.We have solutions, and what remains for us to do is to identify the real problems that you are facing and give you the possibility to test our products vs other products for free.

Free Installation

We want that the installation of equipment will be an enjoyable experience for all our customers. So, we ensure the availability of our support team for free. The FREE installation service is valid only at the time of direct purchase from TORECO SRL.

Free Delivery

B2B persons: the products in stock will be delivered to the customer within 24-48 hours after placing the order. The service is free throughout the country. // B2C persons: for orders from 500 lei the delivery is free within the city of Chisinau.